
This Face

See this face?

This is the face of exhaustion...

Let me just give you the run down of the past week or so around here.

Last week my son had to stay home with a double ear infection, and upper respiratory infection,
and a 102 fever.
Not to mention his front two teeth came in at the same exact time.
Cue very uncomfortable,
very fussy baby.
So he woke up every few hours with pain, and trouble breathing.
Poor baby was miserable.
And so was mommy!
Not to mention myself missing 3 days of work,
being locked in a house,
not able to take a sick baby out.

Now my son is having severe separation anxiety.
Not sure when this started,
but he starts crying if someone isn't within arms reach of him.
And not just fussy crying,
like screaming crying.
So any chance of getting anything done while he isn't napping,
isn't happening.
Definitely not sure how to cure this.
Let the research begin.

Now fast forward to two nights ago.
I was doing laundry and watching real housewives,
when my fiance yelled that something was wrong.
I come upstairs to find our entire second story was flooded because the drain hose popped off the washing machine,
leaving 20 plus gallons of water pouring out onto the floor.
So after hours of cleaning the house,
ripping up the carpet,
and putting buckets under our first floor due to water coming out of ac vents and lighting fixtures,
we finally went to bed around 1am.

So I'm not going to lie when I say,
I'm stressed,
burnt out,
and a tad irritable.
Okay more than a tad if you ask my fiance.

And I've never been good about not taking my irritation out on others.
It just happens.
As much as I don't want it to.

So if you need me,
I'll be hiding in my bed.
Trying to get an extra hour of quiet, and sleep.



  1. Hey Rach! I stumbled across your blog and realized we had senior english together in high school! Small world. Love your blog (although this post didn't seem fun to write! I am so sorry to hear about water chaos and baby blues!!) I am expecting my first son in 13 weeks so your blog is just what I needed. You're doing awesome! Hope all is well :)


    1. OMG! Hey! Thank you so much! Congrats on being preggo!!!

  2. sending serious love and support your way. This is what most would call a 'test' and you're doing awesome. Think Dory, keep on swimming, keep on swimming.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement! It's definitely what I needed! :)

  3. i'm so sorry to hear. hopefully things start working out + drying out... sounds like it's got to get better from there. hang in there + vent when you need to.
