
Taking That Leap Of Faith

What's holding you back from getting what you really want out of life?
You might want to look in the mirror,
because you could be the one holding you back.
I know I am most the time.

For example,
I've been saying for X amount of years.
This is it.
This is the year I'm going to lose the weight that I've put on since college.
I'm going to work out,
I'm going to eat right,
and I'm finally going to do it.
X amount of years later...
Here I am,
the same X amount of pounds,
doing the same thing,
saying that same statement to myself every few months.

Another example,
I work in the corporate world,
like many others,
with a desk job,
that I can't stand,
working with people,
(don't say anything)
that I can't stand.
I've said so many times,
This is it!
This is the year I'm going to start my own business on the side,
work really hard at it,
and then eventually be able to quit my regular desk job.
But here I am,
still working my corporate desk job, 
with those same,
"wonderful" people.

So what is it?
It's me!
I need to learn to take that leap of faith,
and just go for it.
To just jump and see what happens.
What's the worst that can honestly happen?
The worst thing is that you don't try.
That you stay at the top of that cliff,
wondering what would have happened if I would have just jumped?

If there is one thing that I definitely know,
it's that life is too short to be unhappy.
You want to see change,
you need to do something about it!

So before someone tells me,
"Preach On Girl!"
I'm going to get off this soap box,
finally take the steps that I need to,
I order to get the things that I want!



  1. How true is this? Great read to start the morning!

  2. First time on your blog and I love your post! I most def can relate...especially about the job part. Looking forward to following you
