
Sick Baby = Zero Sleep

This little guy has been teething for 2 weeks,
and with teething come a sniffly, runny, snotty nose, 
and a fussy, irritable little boy.

So between him being super uncomfortable,
and not being able to breathe,
he's not getting more than a few hours of sleep.

Which means,
Momma's not getting more than a few hours of sleep.

please excuse any typo's or random thoughts,
that occur on this blog.

I'll continue to overdose on coffee every morning,
and pray that those little suckers break through the gums.

Right now we are using infant Tylenol,
and homeopathic teething tablets we found at babies r us.

He absolutely hates the teethers that you throw in the freezer.
I'm guessing that's because it's too cold for him to hold on to.

But does any one have any other remedies that worked for them?



  1. Awww, so sweet :)


  2. Poor little one! And poor mama! Hope he's feeling better soon and you both get some rest :)
