There is not one thing I hate more than dropping my son off at daycare.
Don't get me wrong.
I love his daycare lady!
I trust her and I know that he is safe and happy every single day that he goes.
But there is just something inside me that makes me feel guilty.
Guilty for having someone else look after my little baby boy.
Now I'm not going to lie,
we aren't one of those families that are fortunate enough to live off of one income.
I have student loans,
a car payment,
and our rent is just too high.
Like many other people out there.
So I had to go back to work after maternity leave.
Just like many other moms.
It is good for my sanity to get out of the house,
and have a decent conversation with another adult that doesn't include baby talk, or discussing dirty diapers.
It's good for me,
to get a shower in the morning,
get dressed in something other than yoga pants,
and drive somewhere other than the grocery store or the pediatricians office.
But something inside me still battles with the whole daycare thing.
At the end of the day,
Wyatt is safe,
he is clean,
he is fed,
and he is happy.
And that's all that really matters...
I can understand that this is tough for you, having that guilty feeling. I don't know about the system in the US - in my country new moms get paid for a certain period to stay at home with the baby. Which can make getting a job afterwards more different of course! You have been "out of work" for quite some time, you're not that flexible with little children at home... I think you have to see the bright side: You have a job, you get paid and you can afford a daycare lady - and your son looks pretty happy with that! Plus, I'm sure you're making the time you have with Wyatt really special! :-)