You ever get caught up in trying to have everything be perfect all the time?
That's the story of my life,
and I realized it this weekend.
I get so consumed with having the house cleaned,
looking great,
making sure other people are happy,
that I forget about what makes me the happiest.
My biggest struggle,
is finding time to just let things go and relax every now and then.
I feel like it goes along with being a woman,
a mother,
and a wife.
We are taught at a very young age,
that women are supposed to.
Clean the house,
make dinner,
take care of the kids,
and on top of it all,
some of us have to work.
So just like the rest of you,
I'm stressed,
spreading myself too thin,
and obsessing over all the things that weren't done perfectly.
Where is this going?
Well I'm making it my goal,
and I think others should attempt this as well,
to let at least one thing go a day.
If I'm running around like a crazy woman,
and the kitchen doesn't get picked up that day,
If I didn't get a workout in,
because I was running errands,
cooking dinner,
and picking my son up from daycare,
I know easier said than done.
But I feel if I can accomplish this,
and learn to breathe a little,
I'll be a little happier...
and frankly,
more sane!
So I challenge you all to do the same.
Take a deep breathe,
and let it go!
I really needed to hear this. thanks!