
Money Doesn't Equal Happiness

Being a new Mom,
I'm faced with decisions that aren't always easy.
Like when to go back to work.
How often to put my son in daycare.
And finding the balance between work and family.

I was recently presented with an opportunity to take another position at another company.
The only downside was that I would have to put my son in daycare full time.
As of now,
I work from home twice a week,
which allows me to have that special time with my son to bond and grow together.
And I love it,
because I feel like I'm not missing as much.

But when I was presented with this opportunity,
I must admit,
It was tempting.
More money,
a gym in the office,
more responsibility.

It all sounded great.
Except the part about putting my son in daycare every single day.

So I had a tough decision to make.
Do I make more money,
so I can afford more things for my son?
More opportunities to travel and increase our style of living?

Or stay where I was at,
doing the same thing,
making the same amount?

Every person is different and there isn't a wrong or right decision for each person.
Mine just happened to be staying where I was at.
Allowing myself to have that time with my son.
Especially when he is little,
and growing so fast.

So it's tough being in these types of spots.
And if it was a few years later,
I'm not sure I would have made that same decision.

But for now,
I know that's what was best for my family. 

1 comment:

  1. I was a working mom with my first baby and now a stay at home mom with two. We are about to move back to Dc where I could easily go back to work, but I also couldn't stand the idea of putting the boys in daycare all day, even though it would mean more money for our family. Sounds like you made the best decision for your family.

    New to your blog and look forward to following along.
