
A Trip With My iPhone

Did I mention how badly I want to go back to Chicago!?

I'm having withdrawals already.

In other news...

Currently we are experience this weird swelling thing in my feet and ankles,
that makes my pregnant feet look like I inherited them from Shrek himself.
I mean I already had chicken nugget toes people.
Could it get much worse?

The best thing on this planet are waffles these days.
Oh how I dream of these tasty treats all day long.
Hence the Waffle House we hit on the way to Indianapolis,
and coming back!

And another thing,
It's been raining here in Houston,
every day for the past week.
I'm beginning to think I live in Seattle or something.
And the smart ones we were we left Justin's car parked on the street while we were out of town.
Only to come back and see that it was flooded.
Cue mildew smell coming from every crevice in that car.



  1. Hi Rachael! All I saw on there was Waffle House and I knew we could be friends. LOVE the Waffle House. I have a "Waffle House Princess" pin on my keys! Anyway I just came over to your blog from Aunie Sauce, and I wanted to say I'm trying a little bloggy activity thing that goes like this: http://perfectlypriya.blogspot.com/2012/07/hunters-first-outfit-post.html (more info there) but basically, get your lover, Justin, into an outfit post and link up!

    1. How fun! I'll definitely link up... If I can convince Justin to be my model for some pictures haha!

  2. Glad to have found your blog.. fellow Houstonian!! Looks like you had a great trip!! I've never been to Chicago, would love to go one day. Isn't all this rain insane! Sorry about your Hubby's car, that stinks. Anyways, Happy Wednesday!

    1. Thanks for following! Always nice to meet a fellow Houstonian!
